Ok you autists I don't see this in the last threads so pay attention:
Look at this thread:
https ://t witter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/952684729056161792
Re: Uranium One, Obama, Clinton, the Swamp.
Now an excerpt:
>18. The SAME Judge Chuang attended Harvard at the same time as one Barack Obama - Chuang graduated law 1994, Obama 1991 & both were editors of the Harvard Law Review. They would have known each other extreme well.
>19. That's the SAME Judge Theodore Chuang who refused Trump's EO travel ban in October 2017, see
http:// www.newsweek.com/judges-halt-trump-travel-ban-hawaii-maryland-569020 …
And now consider this :
>20. The SAME Judge Theodore Chuang has just been assigned to the Mark Lambert case. No - I am NOT kidding:
The judge just assigned to the Mark Lambert case (U1 investigation) is a close buddy of Obama.
Read the whole thread it's worth it.
Swamp status: still not drained. This needs to be memed, trended and go up to a level where the DOJ questions the assignment - assuming they don't do it already.
Please help with digging and circulating the information. We need more on that Judge Chuang and get him into the crosshairs.