Bob Ware (17 Feb 2019)
"Pi and Phi combined yield 'JESUS CHRIST' and 2019"
When the diameter of a circle equals the 1440 minutes in a day then the area of each one degree segment equals the exact circumference of 4523.8934 — this is a unique anomaly. Since a circle is divided into 360 degrees, each degree may represent one day in a prophetic year of 360 days. I call this the 'Circle of Time'. Each 30 degree arc around this 'Circle of Time' equals 377. Each 30 degree arc around a clock face is one hour. 377 is the radius of a circle with a circumference of 2368 (the gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'). The diameter of this 'JESUS CHRIST' circle is the Hebrew gematria of 'Yeshua HaMeshiach' (754). The gematria of 'JESUS' (888) plus three radii of 377 equals 2019.
The first date around my 'Circle of Time' was the Winter Solstice of the Jewish year 5766 (12.21.2005). The last date around my 'Circle of Time' was 5.11 of 2018. The number 511 plus 377 equals the Greek gematria of 'JESUS' (888). 5.11 of 2018 plus 377 days will be 5.23 of 2019. 523 is the 100th prime number and the south point of my 'Prime Cross'. The sum of the two sets of three prime numbers that make up the 'Prime Cross' is 2882 (2 x 1441). 1441 is the sixteenth Star of David number. The 1441st day of the last Jewish calendar cycle was 9.11.2001. The circumference of the 'Circle of Time' (12 x 377) plus 377 additional days to 5.23.2019 equals a total of 4901 days, or 2882 plus 2019. 5.24.2019 will be 2368 inclusive days since the UN voted to recognize Palestine on 11.29.2012. 5.23.2019 will be 6 x 377 days since Pope Francis was elected on 3.13.2013.
The sides of a golden rectangle within this 'Circle of Time' round off to 757 and 1225. When the 180 degree arc of a circle connecting the ends of a diameter line equals 757 plus 1225 then the diameter rounds off to 1262. 757 plus 1262 equals 2019.
I applied this same geometrical calculation in my earlier post ( ) to a circle with a diameter equal to the gematria of 'CHRIST' (1480). Its 180 degree arc rounds off to 2325. I took this 2325 and broke it into two sections based upon Phi (the golden ratio). These two sections equal: 888 (the gematria of 'JESUS') and 1437. The diameter of 1480 ('CHRIST') plus the short golden section of 888 ('JESUS') equals the total gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' (2368).
When 2368 is the length of the 180 degree arc around a circle then the arc opposite one side of the square within the circle is 1184 and the arc opposite the short side of the golden rectangle within the circle is 835. 1184 + 835 equals: 2019. 835 x the golden ratio (1.618) rounds off to 1351. 1351 is the center value of the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). The short side of this golden rectangle is 793 which is the 12th Star of David number.
I believe it cannot be a coincidence that the identical application of the geometrical ratios of Pi and Phi in combination with the 'Circle of Time' return both 'JESUS CHRIST' (2368) and 2019.