Just because you post late at night doesn't make it anymore true. Just prove Jesus wasn't raised from the dead.
Just because you post late at night doesn't make it anymore true. Just prove Jesus wasn't raised from the dead.
If you worked with punch cards in computer programing as much as I did you might not be so hot on holes in paper
If you think God's Love doesn't include justice and punishment then you are the one who doesn't understand. Perfection include Justice, Grace is undeserved forgiveness.
Love is putting other's before self. The Lie is "I am god and to be that I must focus on self". God's love is sufficient for the world but efficient for those of Faith.
Evil is defined by God. The ultimate unforgivable is to reject God's Grace there no longer is any hope for you.
For Vincent, Spent all weekend on this dig will try and get posted in some logical order and update my last crack at this. I will then leave it up to Him if that is enough to prevent this photo or not LOL