The total cost of the Referendum vote in Okinawa, for or against the relocation of Futenma Air Station to MCB Camp Schawb was
550 Million Yen
This is big. One moar proof that Abe is Cabal and Governor Tamaki is a white hat!
The prefectural referendum asking the relocation of Nago City Henoko of the US Futenma Air Station (Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture) caught the voice of questioning its significance until the thrusting day of the 24th.
"Is it a prefectural referendum worth 550 million yen worth?"
Former Ginowan City delegation submitted a resident's audit invoice to the Prefectural Audit Committee Secretariat on 22nd, before the throw-in date. Former City Council places expenditure on prefectural voting as "illegal" because it is not possible to obtain the "maximum effect with the minimum expenses" specified in Local Government Act. [Translated by Chrome]