Anonymous ID: 4e9765 Feb. 26, 2019, 5:16 a.m. No.5392646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2697 >>2765 >>3101

Anon: please note that much confusion resulted following bread 6884. There is a new policy about archiving Q posts in subsequent breads. If Q does not give a tripcode, the post will not be archived, nor listed in the following breads.



Q posted in 6884.

one was rather startling, no trip code, a lot of confusing People were like 'why did this get picked up'?

then again with that id, no trip code saying not to archive.


posted again 6885, 4 posts. only one post had the name and tripcode of Q. We knew the other three were Q because of the ID code.

in 6886 only 1 of the 4 were shown. Anons were confused and upset and started to be vocal about the Q posts that were missing from the top of the bread. Other anons were angry and combative and calling those who hadn't been in bread 6884 (I was doing laundry) all kinds of names etc.

boo hoo hoo.


by 6887 the confusion was still happening.

by 6888 most anon had figured it out, buy many had still not. But at least the ones who were being angry at the confused ones had stopped acting angry.

Anonymous ID: 4e9765 Feb. 26, 2019, 5:37 a.m. No.5392781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2811 >>2827


Q will either put his tripcode or not.

if not it won't be archived.

If so, you will see the Q and the trip code on the post.

if the Q and trip code are not there, anon know how to tell if it's Q only if Q posts subsequently in the bread.


the confusion last night is that anon knew immdidately in a bread that 3 of the posts were from Q, but only one shows up on the Q posts.

If an ide matches without a Q trip code to the id in a post in that bread (and only in that bread) you will know that is a Q post, but it will not be archived nor listed in subsequent breads.


beause they didn't list the post that said to do this, people who weren't in the bread didn't see it if they didn't go back and look for it, but they didn't know to do that.

It was very confusing with very many people who were squacking 'why did you miss these posts' and then other answering 'idiot that is what Q said to do' and were like 'where did Q say to do this'.


it wasn't for like an hour or two that osmoene finally explained and linked back to the bread in questin, and the post that Q said to not archive non tripcoded posts.


they should have at least archived the one that said not to do it any more so everyone would know . . . but then I thought, well

they want a way to comm.

let me tell you as a digital comm expert this isn't going to work unless and will result in far more traffice as the badhats try and scrap every bread trying to see if maybe there were other Q posts.

and now they'd better follow along really close or they are going to miss things.

and the message that was not listed, in that one bread, was rather startling!


I think that the testiness is because the Q team is very busy. All us lurkers are warm at home in our laundry rooms and kitchensh, having dinner and cleaning house. Meanwhile they are off deployed , etc, or in Vietnam.


If Q doesn't post his trip code in a bread, now it is possible for Q to post, as himself, and you won't know it's him unless he gives the tripcode in a subsequent post.


in the 6865 bread (I think that was it) someone called Q a newfag, and others were ridiculing a 'one post wonder' for putting in a 'test' as the only thing in a post.

after Q revealled by giving the tripcode that post was known to be Q and the person who gave the 'one post wonder' and called Q a newfag was mercellously ridiculed. It was a veyr memorable Q moment. But the post that had that is not in the archives. YOu have to go back to that bread to see if. And if Q wants to, he can post and then delete a post so you might want to go look for it because I haven't gone back to see if it's still there.

it might not be.


But it was such a classic moment it is too bad it isn't archived.

any way, new policy.

Lots of testiness.

Team must be very very busy.

Anonymous ID: 4e9765 Feb. 26, 2019, 5:40 a.m. No.5392807   🗄️.is 🔗kun


this is exactly the kind of derision that was hurled at Q last night when he posted a one word post that merely said 'test'. So beware you might be talking shit to Q himself, and he's testing you!

Anonymous ID: 4e9765 Feb. 26, 2019, 5:51 a.m. No.5392886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2972


Q was clear.

if no tripcode, don't archive the post.

I see Q hasn't deleted the other posts in bread 6885

for a very good laugn, anon, go review all the resonses to those posts, especially the list one. you will need to open that bread.


listen, my feeling is that Q and team are looking for a comm method that isn't going to be advertised or well known.

Like it's 'anons secret' and if you are a long time lurking observer, with goodness in your heart, you know this stuff. And if not, you are outside the loop of it.


of course we'll tell people some how that this could be true, or they will look at the post count numbers.

bottom line: if Q posts, and you know that it is Q, but there is no trip code, I think you (1) don't respond saying 'hello Q'

(2) don't archive it subsequently

(3) do as normal for your local caps archive, becuase that's what we do. We watch and lurk. But don't post the un tripcoded onto a public archive.


I can tell you I think that this is for reasons that are to make the emenies here have to pay far more attention to know what Q is doing.

ha ha ha to them. But I hope the servers are up for.

Anonymous ID: 4e9765 Feb. 26, 2019, 6 a.m. No.5392957   🗄️.is 🔗kun


close to the way you are responding is how anon who had not been in bread 8684 seemed to react when those three obvious posts were not put at the top of the following bread. WE got a shit storm of derision from those who had been there.

But after careful thought, and much upset, acceptance and understanding may dawn. Or, if not, just act pissed off?


I'il still do home screen capture archive, for sure. and note it in a personal offline journal.

and I dont' blog daily about Q drops on my public pages.

but if you have a public page that lists all of the Q posts? I say it is really up to you however what Q wants?

I can't declare what Q wants directly but I will tell you that I agree that it takes a lot lurking to get all the comms.


but here is what to think about that: don't need to get a call that isn't for you.

plus it really screws with anyone who is not part of the team. It won't be easy for them to know whats habbening with Q.


So my suggestion, and I don't speak for Q, try to determine what Q wants and archive, for the current public, only those posts with the tripcoded Q name on them.


but you have free speech. So you will use it responsibly, or you wouldn't be here lurking with such concern.

Anonymous ID: 4e9765 Feb. 26, 2019, 6:27 a.m. No.5393187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3213


it ws you who first called Q a newfag!

ah . . . you did it twice.

you must feel very embarrassed!


thank ( you ) for sharing this! (i put spaces so it isn't caught in a search. I hate that.


anon: confession is good for the soul. This anon is admitting that he's the one who called Q a new fag.


I have a ( you ) cap for those posts too. I gave Q a hello , not knowing to keep it on the down low.