Anonymous ID: a6a3aa Feb. 26, 2019, 5:07 a.m. No.5392598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2613 >>2627 >>2642 >>2653 >>2900 >>3207 >>3223 >>3232

Looks like Cohen is the democrats hail mary now that the Mueller probe is failing them.


Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former lawyer, will for the first time publicly accuse the president of criminal conduct while in office related to a hush-money payment to a porn star, a person familiar with his planned testimony before Congress said.


Appearing on Wednesday before the House Oversight Committee, Mr. Cohen also will make public some of Mr. Trump’s private financial statements and allege that Mr. Trump at times inflated or deflated his net worth for business and personal purposes, including avoiding paying property taxes, the person said. The financial statements were developed by Mr. Trump’s accountant, the person said. The Wall Street Journal hasn’t seen those statements.


Mr. Cohen’s testimony is expected to focus on his “behind-the-scenes” accounts of working for Mr. Trump for over a decade, a period during which Mr. Cohen will say he witnessed “lies, racism and cheating” by Mr. Trump, the person said.


Kek, expect a return of concernfags and mockingshills. Funny how his testimony was pushed back (as well as the start of his prison sentence) to coincide with the Korea Summit. Looks like they are hyping this up in case something big comes out of the summit.


Dude already lied to congress once, lied to federal investigators. Why do these people think he is unable/incapable/unwilling to lie again?


Meh, the mueller report will clear Trump regardless. I think that’s why it’s been held back until after his “testimony”. Allow for another perjury trap on Cohen, and debunk any bullshit he throws out there.