Anonymous ID: 694e4b Feb. 26, 2019, 8:46 a.m. No.5394969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4992 >>4998 >>5002 >>5030 >>5067 >>5119 >>5126 >>5179 >>5200 >>5220 >>5240

Good morning, faggots.

Just stopping in after a 5+ week break from this board.

During the time away I:


-completed 2 levels of Rosetta Stone in "Latin American Spanish"

-begun learning Python

-gotten halfway through one of the BASED history books of all time "From Dawn to Decadence"

-take the dog for more walks

-sleep more regular hours


And by a scan of the board and dough I see I have missed nothing at all of consequence, here.


I was there when Q first posted, but decided to make Jan. 15, 2019 my deadline for donating time unless the indictments and shit had actually begun.

Taking back the time, and using it for non-Q activities, has been the biggest improvement in my life since I quit drinking.


For those of you who take life seriously, I strongly recommend taking complete breaks from here.

Personally, I think I will be better equipped to help POTUS get re-elected next year, as well as having a better life, both by being in better mental condition and hopefully making more $$$ by having more skillz.


See you all in April.