Went on a few crazy concernfag streaks in the last few weeks. Then I shut my fucking mouth for a day and saw something. Every concern I had was now created into a shill movement. Where I saw none before, the minute I made a mention of something, like magic, meme's and articles, rants and worries from other "anons" began to take shape.
What an odd way to realize the concern is invalid. It's like shills watch the board and wait for a new fear tactic to bounce on. So when I noticed this, i concerned more to see what would happen. This time not really believing my concern, but wanting to see the aftermath. Sure enough, once again, a bread or so later, meme's, article, and "anons" making statements vague to what I suggested, trying to rile fear into everyone.
Mental warfare is here and very real. Remain cautious and in faith that God will win!