Anonymous ID: 2c7772 Feb. 26, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.5396109   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So Huber and Whittaker are tasked with investigating the DOJ and FBI for issues arising out of the 2016 election, FISA abuses, amongst other DOJ “mishandlings”.


McCabe finally admits on national tv that he is under criminal investigation.


McCabe was a part of the FISA abuses and issues during the 2016 election season and MYE.


So right there is proof that there are things going on, that are not being reported.


Being unable or unwilling to connect the dots in regards to what Q has told us, and what has came out in the news shows a willingness to remain ignorant of what is happening.


That discomfort you feel when confronted with facts? That’s your cognitive dissonce fighting in your brain to protect your fragile ego from being wrong.


You are both ethically and morally on the wrong side of history, but i guess you can use your CD and TDS to prove your mental instability and inability to rationalize like a normal, logical person.


It’s sad actually. I kind of pity you.

Anonymous ID: 2c7772 Feb. 26, 2019, 10:21 a.m. No.5396316   🗄️.is 🔗kun





you are on your lunch break

no wait you smoke weed and play video games

no wait, you are from /pol/

no wait you have a gun and will off yourself in a year

no wait come to my house so i can shoot you with an arrow


Seriously. You are mentally ill. Maybe you should just step back and go outside for once. get some fresh air.