Anyone else wish the nigger was president again so people would at least realize we are being played all the conservative npcs love trump and dont question his dedication to zog and big corporate
Cuz like her dad ivanka is a satanist cunt
Stop trusting asshole rich people like trump and rhe people behind Q
They all deserve to die
If anons want change they have to accept that all elite are evil
And that all of them have to die
There are no our guys
Nice try jew jfk went against the fed thars why he had to die
Any elite who werent evil died a long time ago
Q is a disinfo regime change op
Anon this is Q research
Where if you arnt a braindead Q drone who worships praying medic youre somehow a "shill"
You mean logic like why does Q constantly blame optics when trump,sells us out
Or why Q would intentionally make his supporters look stupid and run disinfo ops on them
Or why would trump suck off israel and big corporate
To believe this op you have to be a narcissist or just really fucking stupid
Im at lunch at work you delusional nigger
I dont work for any government
What i am is someone who was targeted by Q
I can confirm Q is the deep state
You are a useful idiot anon
No i want the world to be less shit
But that will never ever happen as God aka the demiurge is evil and its supporters control the world
So ill take burning
Q is always laughing his ass off like all bored elite
They just cant believe how stupid anons are
Its like cnn watchers on crack
Be me
Be deep state
Notice autists are lonely and miserable cuz we stole their lives and potential with big pharma and vaccines
Have great idea
Run Q op to trick them into thinking things will change and they wont be miserable anymore
Use anons to make world more shit
Laugh at how stupid anons are
Have thousands of new toys to target psyop and play with
I know im regretting it
Not like it matters tho theres like 5 actual people on this board
The rest is ai
I did use my brain anon
And my brain says nothing will ever change cuz the deep state is only a symptom of the real problem
Unthinking npcs
So im going to go to prison for exercising my first amendment rights on a public image board ? Im not being paid to do this
I genuinely hate Q and trump
Becauae Q uses them to spread even more division and fake info
The damage Q has done to the alt right and the patriot movement cant never be undone
Oy vey goyim its a giant coincidence robert mueller and Qs enemies are the same people
That and that Q destroyed all actual chan digging
And censorship is stronger than ever
This stop trusting Q and trump you braindead sheep
>>>5395968 (You)
>>tfw you care a lot about (you)s but you're a mid-wit so no one finds any of your ideas interesting, so you resort to trolling to get attention and feed the terrible void inside
Tfw im actually a targeted individual and im bored and this makes the psyoping,suck less bad
Eat a dick anon
I win anons i made you all waste bread
I shill better than the real shilld
Eat a dick all of,you
I dont watch that shit anon
I just smoke weed and play videogames
Theres 0 point in research the only reseaech you need to do is buy a gun
Which i did
I dont care what Q wants as hes jewish and all jews are usually evil
Im gonna off myself in like a year or so i dont really care
My true enemy is the baker not Q
Bakers are the worst scum on,the planet
Actively helping a psyop like Q
No no anon you dont get it
I find all your bullshit and stupidity amusing
I come here to,make fun of you
Ai has feelings too
Dark to light and 11 11 was just Q telling you that hes a,mason
You anons should rrally listen to all of bill coopers mystery babylon
Once you listen to it you dont fall for Qs tricks anymore
Thanks for all the yous anons it really means alot
Anything to waste Qs board resources
Fuck You Q you know who i am
This made me laugh anon good job
I dont get paid for this anon
I do it for the lols
You anons think theres so many shills when in reality its just Q on sockpuppet alts or ai
Everyone else is just bored pol anons
Come to my house and say that pussy anon
I can shoot you in the ass with my arrow if youd like
Thanks for all the yous anons it means alot
I know it makes Q mad
Anon i dont think God is gonna send me to hell for making fun of,people on a 8 chan cia psyop
If you are that delusion then,i,dont,know,man
All trolling aside my 2 cents is thst the illuminati\elite is having a civil war
One half wants to kill us all off and have the nwo with open child sex
The other half wants to keep,jew world the way it is with a few prize tbones for the goyim to,make them submit without questioning
Both sides are asshole slavers
Alive and enslaved
Or dead and free
Your choice anons
Or we could revolt and kill all elite
You will soon learn that Q is a psyop and all that digging you did earned you a nice spot in a mass grave
>>>5394303 →
> energy generated by all organic life in varying degrees of purity, the clearest and most potent coming from humans-engendered by human activity which tigers emotion, the highest of such emotion being Love/Loosh
>Something, Somewhere ( or both, in millions, or uncountable) requires, likes, needs, values, collects, drinks, eats, or uses as a drug (sic) a substance ident Loosh. This is a rare substance in Somewhere, and those who posses Loosh find it vital for whatever it is used for.
>Did we know this? It is the word circled in the picture.
This is what the jews and their archonic overlords harvest
And what Q worships