1 liddle
2 liddle
3 liddle muhjewshills
4 liddle
5 liddle
5 liddle muhjewshills
=5 liddle==
5 liddle
5 liddle muhjewshills
there is only 5 muhjewshills
Top kek
Aaaaah aaaaaaah aaaaah
1 liddle
2 liddle
3 liddle muhjewshills
4 liddle
5 liddle
5 liddle muhjewshills
=5 liddle==
5 liddle
5 liddle muhjewshills
there is only 5 muhjewshills
Top kek
Aaaaah aaaaaaah aaaaah
We don't. We hate evil people. And evil people are from all religions, both parties, all races, both sexes and so on… The hate for jews is literally 5 people. There has always been only 5 muhjewshills, they changed zero minds yet they continue to shit in every bread. But its only 5 of them and thousands of thousands of anons. Reconcile
When you finish you'll be able to say that you COPIED the bible
There are good and bad people in every institution, country, party, sex, religion and so on. Stop arguing with muhjewshills. Listen to your own heart. God judges us on individual basis. Our job is to dig into individual people, ousting individuals not any large group of people. Like I said, listen to your heart, pray about it, read Q drops , follow POTUS reguarding this matter and reconcile. And remember, muhjewshills have been here since last April, there were 5 of them then, and there is 5 of them now. Never moar…might just be 1 or 2 people with multiple ips. They never changed anyones mind because their numbers still reflect only 5 sad liddle muhjewshills. Yes, they're loud and full of hate, but there is only 5 people… Trust yourself
You're welcome fren…. If it helps, you can filter them and count yourself for the next few breads. Either way. Real anons are about love, truth, God, justice and light. Everything else is just shills amd clowns who are pissed and scared… Our job is yo meme , pray, dig…. Relax, anon.
God wins