>Do NOT reply to shills
>Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments
>Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"
>Do NOT engage shills.
so youre back again. dont you ever get tired of this shit? i used to think that this was a somewhat misguided public service announcement. but it isnt is it? its a subtle way to sow division between newfags and old. course the newfags should lurk more and avoid discussion with the shills. but there is plenty of value in getting some of the more repetitive fuckwits to shut the fuck up.
funny thing is this anon spent 2 or 3 breads today (5 hours ago or so) kickin the shit out of a couple of our resident shills. primarily the perfect conscious energy asshole that has been shitting breads for what seems like several weeks.
so decided to do something about it as im wont to do on occasion. turn out its some half baked, youtuber, faux philosophical type that drinks tequila and has a stars and bars backdrop and carries on about all kinds of nonsense (you can find him here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLH3seyd0RZ862jih9kzUA). best case he's out for youtube hits from anons that search on key terms from his bullshit memes. worst case hes some kind of plant that could be used to discredit.
point for the newfags is not that they should fire away. rather, lurk moar, and then try some shit out. post a meme, or a dig, or kick a shill. if youre not doing it right, some oldfag will probably piss on your parade. but thats okay. we all started out as newfags cowering under fucking umbrellas while having our posts pissed on. the only way to find out whether or not you have worthy contributions is to try. the kicking that you may or may not get is for your own personal development.
oh and sign number one that youre dealing with is a shill is all the "DO NOT"s that are capitalized.