Oh hey look, I spotted a shill!
Your sources directly contradict you.
And you suck at memeing.
Oh hey look, I spotted a shill!
Your sources directly contradict you.
And you suck at memeing.
Doesn't treason charges require two witnesses?
I'm starting to get the impression that every single actor that is a vetted traitor was photographed in this manner, as prescribed by criminal charging rules for treason.
This is dissonance on unprecedented levels. There's nothing else of merit to say about it.
Even just a cursory search would prove they are shamelessly traducing Trump…. On their own comped search engines even.
And that's despite their best censoring efforts?
We all need to prosecute the FMSM takedown harder.
Yup, and that is why the shills constantly push for NOWOWNOW!!!1
[They] know the first four (possibly 6) is case building.
Remaining time will be prosecutions
That' all contingent upon mission time tables of course, but we've already been told we're only 2 days off the original timetable (at the time of that drop), so take that with a grain of salt, as always..