What the fuck feinstein slide.
Those weren't the pics we were comparing earlier. PO pic on the right, girl appears much younger than either photo compared.
Connecting dots.
Normies are still processing Robert Kraft and R. Kelly per respective demographics.
Even Japanese games?
Dude, normies don't listen to what details the News actually puts out. We know the MSM omits details, the majority of details. The details the MSM does put out, in order to foster a narrative, normies don't even listen to.
Jussie Smullet hoax broke out. MSM was reporting that it was real and that there was bleach, rope/noose, and maga whites.
Mention that bleach freezes at temps that Chicago had, and normies say, "I didn't hear about any bleach."
?? I'm in a blue state. I know what I'm talking about.
People ask why would Robert Kraft go to a Chinese spa for sex with trash hookers when he has a smoking hot GF.
Normies don't think like the sick fucks.
Normies think Super Bowl winners actually go to Disneyland like they do.
Normies don't know that football culture in college and beyond is about partying and fucking tons of girls.
Normies see football players going to hospitals and schools to perk up kids and to play ball and teach them things about teamwork.
Normies don't see anything but a bad apple when one is rolled out on tv for sexual assault or domestic violence. And then they continue to root for the team that keeps that player.
It's a link to his twitter page.
No wonder he stuttered and shook all throughout the speech.