Anonymous ID: 1069cf Feb. 26, 2019, 1:32 p.m. No.5399814   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5399435 lb peckerhead!

>Q stated no private comms.


Q stated "No OUTSIDE comms" asswipe!


>So your faggoty little push for shilling is not holding much water here.


How in the fuck am I shilling by SHOWING your ignorant ass that Q posted using his trip with the SAME fucking ID as the other 3 posts, fucktard?


>If you're not shilling, take a hint, it's not arrogance. I'm here 10 hours a day. It's embedded in my brain. This is our life.


Based on your response AFTER I showed you the four post with the same fucking ID and only ONE had Q's trip…you ARE an arrogant asshole! Now fuck off! Next time I won't bother showing you proof, dickhead!