I'm sure states like Texas and Florida will do it too once they go blue in 2020.
This is only the beginning
Q followers don't even want to talk about how bad it's going to get
They don't want to talk about Red Flag laws
They don't want to talk about Barr and his support for those laws and his involvement in Ruby Ridge
They don't want to talk about that time Trump said 'Take the guns first'
This is going to become so much worse, and nobody here wants to talk about it.
Our country is so fucked.
Think mirror!
It's like fighting the tide
Demographics are destiny.
Shit is going to get WAAYYY worse before it ever gets better
Satanists are unironically based and 20x more American than any Zionist supporting Christian
Dr. Aquino is a fucking legend.
t. someone who doesn't even know what Satanism is about
You probably think its about worshipping the devil and eating babies lol
That little Zionist shit needs to be deported to Israel and banned from America forever.
Now are you see why people who have been here since day 1 are starting to realize this whole thing is BULLSHIT?
You probably going to have to elect Trump for another term before you get any of the goods
lol 10/10
It's not about satanism it's about psychological warfare, which is exactly what we are ALL experiencing right now.
But yeah keep your head in the sand, wouldn't want to learn something that might go against your precious world view. God forbid you ever encounter information that directly contradicts your own personal beliefs.
Pretty sure the saying goes the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
Oh, but he doesโฆ.
The only 'research' being done is on the willing participants of this little govt pacification pet project that seems to have no end in sight