I'd encourage anyone to kill anyone who comes for your guns just out of self defense. If the states ever fell to marxism, this is how it would be brought about.
This board circumvents the media, it's the only reason it was made. To show you a news cycle that wasn't full of shit and something you didn't have to pay for or feel disgusted about. As for fixing the mess, it cleans itself. Notice how the pedo shame builds up and they off themselves? Wouldn't get that if they still controlled the narrative.
That's good, some districts were hit very hard by obumbo so I think just reminding them that is worth it.
they can't survive without white people but they want us to die. don't listen to anything they say, walk away from them and watch them fall apart
I saw what you did to chicago and in other metro areas under obama's tenure with the backing of soros. You burned entire city blocks down cause you couldn't get justice from some kid who died over a bag of skittles and a sports juice. Of everything in the 1st world to fight over, I took my leave long time ago at the stupidity of your peoples and how they treated us. You are still robbing and raping our women, you turn houses into mosques when were not around. Fix yourself before you wreck yourself.
Nothing can repair that damage. You had all the best technology at your fingertips and you turned inward after our kids and us. This isn't something that I will ever really forget. I was never this way towards them but at the first point we let our guard down you kill us. Not again.