>>5400993 lb
The difference as far as I am concerned is that God and Satan are the same thing, but either of which are free from whatever pleas you make with some type of magical incantation.
You might believe that making an incantation (prayer) to a God will bring you some sort of boon or miracle.
The Satanist does not believe in boons or miracles, only the laws of the universe…some of which are not quite understood.
The child that was saved and said to be a miracle when her whole family was killed in a tornado, then died a few days later.
You might say that was God's will.
I say that that was part of the laws of this universe.
For every miracle you can name, I can also name an equal number (if not more) of horrendous events to make up for all those so called "miracles".
God to me is not a "merciful" entity, but an entity of power that does not care about offering you boons through prayer and incantations.