Anonymous ID: b1a00a Feb. 26, 2019, 2:49 p.m. No.5401159   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shun: verb; persistently avoid, ignore or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution. synonyms: avoid, evade, eschew, steer clear of, shy away from, fight shy of, recoil from, keep away from, keep one's distance from, give a wide berth to, have nothing to do with, leave alone, not touch.


100k years ago shunning was the punishment doled out to those that worked against the welfare of the community. With cave bears the size of SUVs, saber toothed tigers, terror birds so large they'd make Big Bird look scrawny in comparison, life was a supreme struggle. Every member of the community cooperating was vital to the survival of the group. Expelled from the group, SHUNNED, nature would be left to take it's course; they would die. If they tried to reenter the group, rocks/rotten food would be thrown at them until they moved off. The echo of this persists in the Books; "stoning".


Cory Booker, Sherrod Brown, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, along with Bernie Sanders have voted to condone, support, encourage the SHUNNING of newborn survivors of abortion. "Presidential" candidates, all. Any that voted against the "Born Alive Bill"; shame. My, how EVIL must be so proud of YOU. A newborn, for the unspeakable affront of having the GRIT to continue to LIVE after the attempted MURDER by a Mother/Doctor, YOU'D have them wrapped in a towel, placed in a cold dark room, left alone until death takes them. The unmitigated GALL to then call that callous treatment, "comfort care"; lacking any comfort or care at all. Typical DOUBLE SPEAK that EVIL uses to decieve and confuse the unwary. /shame


A death row inmate has more comfort and care on their last day. Before execution of Justice they are given the meal of their choice, are given Last Rites. Those inmates get to say good bye to those that attend, farewell to loved ones. What do those poor babies get? Nothing…not even a hug. Never touched with love. Never held, never fed. Ripped from the womb, and thrown away. Nothing more than trash, to the EVIL ones.


Obama said he "didn't want his daughters PUNISHED with a child". Imagine. How empty and hollow must one's soul be for that thought to exist within, much less it be PROUDLY spoken on the national stage… /SHAME When the officials charged with protecting it's citizens, most especially it's most INNOCENT, are this callous, how can THEY care about any of US? What they are pushing is just another aspect of the Law of One; do as you will. Evil pushes this mode of thought because it makes all that follow it SLAVES to those with POWER. When THEY say Law of One, spoiler alert, YOU are NOT the ONE. That school of thought puts everyone into a pyramid of despotism, fighting those below to keep what one has, and fighting those above to take what they have. The only Freedom in that pyramid is at the tippy top.


To all those petty tyrants in DC; you are not at the tippy top. You are only one small step above the useful idiot on the hierarchy. "Leader" means that one leads; not manipulates and lies. Leaders look to what is best for all. Looks out for all. Fights for all. People follow leaders not because they have a title, but because they are helping to get people where they want to go. The (Dems(Establishment(Cabal))) have no interest in what they can do for people, but rather, what people can give to them; POWER. Power to wreck lives. Power to coerce the weak. Power to enrich themselves. Power to strengthen EVIL. All at the expense of the people that THEY are SWORN to defend.


Those people that YOU are sworn to defend are AWAKENING. When those that YOU'VE deceived SEE, one wonders…Do YOU think that some Law against Lynching is going to save YOU from JUDGEMENT? The Cabal has known for thousands of years. The Fire is on It's way. The EVIL had been banking on Humanity failing it's test; getting another Reset. EVIL riding out the Storm in Bunkers, while the world is bathed in Fire. Thank God, and all that's Good and Right, that we have GEOTUS/Q and all the PATRIOTS fighting to make sure that enough are AWAKE to dodge that FATE. Humanity has HEROS. EVIL has SLAVES.


All you JV team tyrants voting for the murder of INNOCENTS can't commit enough Evil to buy you a ticket to Salvation. My'Anon has been watching the Cabal's DUMBs getting popped for over a year. There will be no seat for you. Moloch and all those EVIL minions know. Do you DC swamp rats believe the LIES you tell? That the Fire is just another conspiracy theory? Top kek indeed if you end up falling for the lies that YOU tell.


The only Mercy that Humanity will offer, to those that deserve it, will be a short drop and a sudden stop. For YOUR sake this little nobody Prays that you repent: turn from away; to. It's not too late to do the right thing. It's not too late to save your SOUL. Choose LOVE. Choose TRUTH. STAND. FIGHT. Do what's RIGHT.



Let the Light of TRUTH SHINE

Be Worthy