“Q intelligence is what I have been waiting for, that there is an intelligence that is willing to share with the sheep what the goats are doing, an intelligence willing to expose everything to a hereto public that gave their power away by not wanting to know anything. Just give me what I want; no questions asked. Q intelligence is the first time in American and world history ever — ever.”
“Turn back the clock, I can meet you at any age, that the secret of those who rule you and enslave you, and then those who enslave them, is disclosed. Those among your particular nation’s most heinous crimes of deceit, blackmail, and cover-up, you are all in it. There is Satan’s claw, darlin’. For you to have known that, who wish to be awake and to know, here it is.”
“So this intelligence is like a thought review, you know? It is indeed as if every thought of yours is recorded, and every thought indeed is recorded. And they have all of the files and all of the information about all of you, including — including — the evil ones taking you down and playing upon your emotions to take you down. Q intelligence is the first time in world history the secrets have been revealed.”
— Ramtha, September 30, 2018