Underneath Satan there are what we call the "five generals". The "five generals" are the five demons that are immediately and hierarchically under Satan and they are the ones who execute his plans.
In some cases, it is called “the table” because in some instances they get to divide up certain things.
The first demon under him is Baal. Although Satan IS the demon on impurity, Baal is A demon on impurity. His principal function is to get cultures to succumb to impurity, primarily through fornication. Once fornication sets in, then the perspective that the conjugal act ordered toward children is lost. From that, arises the idea that sex should be recreational and can be used for any way to get pleasure. So Baal lays the groundwork. We saw this in our own country; it was called the “free-love” movement.
Then the next three demons show up…
Asmodeus is next. He is the demon of homosexuality in men. Then there is the demon of Leviathan. He is the demon of homosexuality in men BUT in the masculine kind. (Transsexuals) The next demon is Lilith. It is the demon that is the more seductive form of female homosexuality.
Baphomet is the fifth demon and is the demon of child sacrifice/abortion.
Historically here is the progression:
Fornication -contraception -> homosexuality and abortion
All cultures have been pushed this way.
In our culture, think of this, they shot down the fornication laws and so they delivered us into the hands of Baal. They passed Roe v Wade and delivered us into the hands of Baphomet. And then they allowed gay marriage. So now our country, politically, is in the hold of the TOP FIVE DEMONS OF HELL (other than Satan).
We are NOT engaged in a battle over political ideas. We are engaged in a battle between good versus evil. We are not just fighting for the American way of life, we are fighting for souls!