Anonymous ID: 56dafb Feb. 26, 2019, 4:34 p.m. No.5403197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3293

So I did a dig on Eugene Gu MD this morning who aggressively trolls POTUS.

He was removed from an Internship for Stalking His EX Girlfriend on Twitter and has a history of Domestic Violence against Women.

Doesn’t stop there. He is also wrapped up in a House Investigation in use of Fetal Tissue from PP.

His Company Ganogen tranplants organs from aborted fetus’s into rats.

He is also tied to a clinic in New Mexico who also was connected to PP investigation and it cut ties with PP when the organ trafficking video came out.

As you know New Mexico just passed House Bill 51 easing/ allowing Late Term Abortion procedures.

I posted early this morning and didn’t get much interest.

There is too much info for one post.

Ill post the first part and if anyone is interested I’ll post m0ar.