Love it, im gonna use it to troll DS twatter accounts
The video still gives me goosebumps every time
I was doing a dig on that a few months back. Remember the FBI guy that was always on tv breathing down Lombardo's neck? he was the FBI guy for that whole district….. Andrew McCabe was the one who appointed him to that position
I dont either, but I gotta think there is something more to it. Gaetz is a smart guy, this at first sight, would appear very dumb on his part
I was doing an old dig on Obama's real/fake birth certificate and I uncovered this: Obama/DOJ sent a Perkins Coie lawyer to Hawaii to pick up the copies from Loretta Fuddy
On April 27, 2011, the day the image was released on the White House website, it was widely reported that a Perkins Coie partner who was also Obama’s personal attorney, Judith Corley, was dispatched to Hawaii to “pick up two copies” of the document. On the same day, USA Today reported that previous to the public release of the document, “…Obama and his personal lawyer, Judith Corley, faxed letters to the Hawaii Department of Health, requesting two copies ‘of my original certificate of live birth.'”
Corley clearly was not tasked with “finding” the original birth certificate, if it existed, but rather, to “pick up the copies of the certificates.”
CNN, which has strongly advocated for the Obama regime and Obama’s claimed birth in Hawaii, reported on the day of the long-form’s release that “Obama’s personal attorney, Judith Corley, picked up certified copies of the long-form document in Hawaii and brought them back to the White House Tuesday evening,” the day before the image was uploaded and announced to the public.
Corley reportedly obtained two certified copies of Obama’s long-form birth certificate from the late Loretta Fuddy, who served as HDOH director from January 2011 until her death following the water-landing of a small airplane in which she and eight others had been traveling on state business in December 2013.