>>5402061 (pb)
>Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.
I call BULLSHIT right now. At best, something will happen for which Q will try to claim credit, despite having never mentioned it before, and it's more likely that there may be a damp squib or two that Q will try to palm off as a BIG HAPPENING.
This will go in the file right next to the arrests, films, photos, DECLAS and everything else that never got past the talking stage, right next to all the BOOMs that never happened, the suicide weekends that never happened, the months that the whole world would know the truth, the months when JA and SR were going to be so important, and on and on and ON.
This can also go next to all the Q crumbs that had to be memory-holed to maintain the impression of a pure record, the abject stupid mistakes and links to utterly false sources that Q was totally sucked in and deceived by.
I note that every one of these pronouncements from on high is met with a growing number of patriots who have an excellent memory, solidly grounded citizens who don't have the ability to self-hypnotically forget all the lies, grievous errors, and failed predictions coming from the Q team.
Yes, I call BULLSHIT, and I'm setting an reminder in my digital calendar to post a screenshot of this in 21 days.