Damn, I am filtering me some faggots today. Yes, I am.
Can you give us insight on the GOP Representatives that voted to block POTUS' emergency declaration?
I am particularly interested in Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA - 3rd.) What do they have on her?
It probably literally burns their flesh.
We don't care about fame. We care about ACTIONABLE INTELLIGENCE, of which you have provided none. So, we don't give a shit if you're the whore Queen of England, faggot.
Damn, the site is buckling, captain! Images loading at a crawl. Under attack, overburdened or both?
I don't know Marky mark that well to weigh in on if he's clean. But well enough to tell you he's a mega douche. (Sorry, don't mean to feed the larp but I just had to say it. Kek.)