Prayer for Strength to Persevere
Dear Lord, I know how important it is that we are strong in the Lord and in the strength of Your power, knowing that we are not fighting against a physical enemy but an evil and powerful spiritual enemy, whose chief desire is to shipwreck the witness of those that are united with Christ and render them powerless against the wicked schemes and strategies of the devil. Give us a greater understanding and awareness of the enemy’s tactics and help us to realize the importance of covering ourselves completely in our spiritual armor, so that we are spiritually prepared and spiritually equipped to stand firm against their evil plots and ploys.
May all who seek to live godly in Christ Jesus stand fast on God’s word of truth and put on the breastplate of Christ’s righteousness. May we walk in His ways of peace… in spirit and in truth and help us to protect ourselves by grace through faith – as we resolutely stand firm on the many facts of God’s word. May our thoughts and minds be protected from the deceptive lies and wicked deceit of the enemy as we cover our heads with the helmet of Christ’s Salvation, by grace through faith and may we wheel the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God with wisdom and understanding as we stand firmly grounded on the Rock of our salvation.
Keep us humble before You Father, and may we persevere in continuous, earnest and pleading prayer – knowing that in Christ the enemy is already defeated and in Him, we are called to remain steadfast in the faith, by the power of the Spirit, and to the glory of God – in Jesus name we pray,