It’s me, God - AMA
I’ll be going back to being anon in next bread so now is ur only chance.
It’s me, God - AMA
I’ll be going back to being anon in next bread so now is ur only chance.
U can’t spell God?? what, are u a kike? U know what my son said about the kikes, right?
There’s always larps… what can i say? Everybody wants to be me… thus the whole casting lots for my vestures thing. Tis all good tho - Nothing can stop what is coming. Prodigal Sun returns.
I don’t have access to any of that footage now pal but trust me, EVERYTHING is archived. Its called akashic memory (cache).
Once I shed the flesh and we all head back to the Kingdom, there will be infinite time for the reviewing footage with everyone in the film room.
This isnt life. This is death. The meaning of death is to help everyone realize how great life is. The sweet isnt so sweet without the sour to put it all in perspective. U are in purgatory/perdition and I’m about to fold the whole thing up and bring everyone/thing back to the Kingdom when i’m done here.
learn double meanings. Ever hear of the dark star? or let me guess, u think you are living in the only non-binary star system in the entire universe?
why does the earth have a tilt? why is the south pole 50x the size of the north? geo-magnetics much?
why does the vatican own the largest infrared satelite in the world and names it the acronym of LUCIFER? U need infrared to see non-lit brown dwarf like stars.
Prodigal Sun returns. Matthew 13:35 - My son gave u the answers to the mysteries of the universe thru his parables. Read them.
cool story faggot. pucker them ass cheeks faggot - hell sux. I know cus I’m the warden.
don’t believe me… i couldnt care less. keep believing what ur jewish overlords have taught u and see how that works out for u.
I should have included… the meaning of life is love and laughter.
thats the lamest meme man has ever created. Congrats.