Honey and good information are equated in ancient wisdom.
Scripture makes over a dozen references to a land that flows with milk and honey. This is a metaphoric description of a society free from the manipulation to which all the past governments of man (including democracies) have always been vulnerable. The essential defining quality of this society is a social system (land) that continually supplies an informational "diet of milk and honey" that prevents every industrial or commercial interest from undermining the quality or integrity of the best interests of every individual.
Milk and honey are the only two foods in the human diet that contribute one particular benefit to the consumer. Modern immunology teaches us both these foods contain antibodies, made by the mother cow (or ruminant animal) and the bee, respectively, that defend against immunological threats each animal encounters in the environment to which it is exposed. The human metabolism picks these up and learns how to copy them in the liver, ideally, before the human ever even encounters the same threat in the environment. Then, later, when and if the person encounters the same biological threat, for being prepared, his system can usually ward off any effect of it before any harm even erupts. This way, both of these foods provide the consumer with a super-human immune defense system. And the design of this same system of defense is what God refers to, pertaining to information handling, as the ultimate utopian society for His people. Corrupted information has certainly been the leading cause of all sorts of social diseases and plagues for many centuries now, metaphorically speaking.
Taken from a page on this, more at source p107 here : cog49.com/ft.pdf