Anonymous ID: 5d77e5 Feb. 26, 2019, 7:58 p.m. No.5407309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7541

In response to anon in Q#2897… Most likely NO, Dr's did not take Hippocratic Oath:


American Medical Association Does Not Support or Promote Hippocratic Oath

"The AMA has a code of ethics, but there is, in fact, no version of the Hippocratic Oath that the AMA espouses or promotes."


So long, Hippocrates. Medical students choose their own oaths

"Lasagna’s oath is the most popular one used by medical schools: 33 percent use it, according to a 2009 survey of 135 US and Canadian medical schools. Just 11 percent of the schools use the classical Hippocratic version, researchers found."


Is the Hippocratic Oath Being Killed off by the Big Business of Medicine?

"Just consider this simple fact: Trans-national drug companies that manufacture pharmaceutical drugs do not study the effects of drug combinations (of two or more drugs at a time) in the brains or organs of experimental animals – and the testing that is done on that single drug is usually only for an extremely brief period of time, often just hours, days or weeks. This is especially true for brain research."


ObamaCare fails to uphold the hippocratic oath to 'do no harm'

"Unfortunately, as a result of the passage of ObamaCare, providing quality healthcare services is no longer the primary focus of the healthcare community. The main focus is on cost containment and whether or not a specific condition meets specific criteria as determined by unelected bureaucrats and academic experts. Another focus is on the physician’s documentation providing sufficient information to justify a specific code. The attending physician’s clinical judgment about each patient’s unique situation and needs is secondary to meeting the correct criteria."


Obamacare Versus Physician’s Hippocratic Oath