to be fair, this is a tiny corner of the internet only a small percentage of the global population is investing time looking at .
the internet will not explode . noone outside this community gives a shit
to be fair, this is a tiny corner of the internet only a small percentage of the global population is investing time looking at .
the internet will not explode . noone outside this community gives a shit
ever heard of this lil thing called GOOGLE?
so if we can find pics of today or the past few days of the donald and try to find a person with the matching pattern shit. Q just doxed himself . so much for military planning .
Bwhahahaha so lemme get this straight . Ed Henry said he has a source from insdie the hotel but its obviously he croped the pic Q posted .
what a clown, hes trying to make it seem he has insider info when we all know he jacked the pic from here
its a drop you moron . its not notbale its already saved .
im sayin, there has to be photos of a guy matching the shirt, Q just doxxed himself
yeah, LAST MAY fucking moron
prove he didnt, military planing at its finest my ass
idgaf what anyone says . AOC is so damn hot, id fuck her
didnt read any of that bullsht . bwhahahaahahahahahahah fag