Anonymous ID: 3673e1 Feb. 26, 2019, 9:04 p.m. No.5408886   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(pb) >>5408570

>all of the planets do it. the energy from the sun goes somewhere.


Here's another for you. The Sun is hollow. It's a giant plasma ball, in "glow mode", in the middle of an intergalactic electric current. Look up


Before Mr. Smith from The Matrix jumps up inside you and takes control, consider that 100 years or so ago, the best scientists said the Sun was powered by fucking COAL.


Which presents a whole lot of other problems, e.g. how stable is that circuit, how much is being driven by it (gravity, planetary orbits, weather, etc.), and what else might be hollow..?


Our reality is a whole lot weirder than most can allow themselves to see…


Hope Q team discloses some of these. There's a lot of tech that would help us make it to George Jetson world…