Anonymous ID: a7a2b3 March 3, 2018, 2:04 p.m. No.541487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just in time for board #666 - how fitting.



I feel most anons dismissed your reply, however, I am starting to believe this is the big reveal. I have written a lengthy post but have not submitted it yet.


Just before the ddos attack here an anon had left a very well thought out post speculating Q has been hinting at this for some time now. In short, like your reply, humanity is not mentally prepared to accept the idea as the implications are staggering, if true. I'm no 'flat-earthier' but have spent many hours trying to understand the arguments. The idea also blurs into theories about Antartica as well.


I'm waiting to post my thoughts, but what I'll say now is this. What are we to make of all the reports of dignitaries traveling to Antartica, including John Kerry on election eve, King/Queen of Spain (or whatever), the leader of the Russian Coptic Orthodox Church etc. 'All for a Larp?' For a psyop disinformation campaign? Not convinced.


And why such strong cognitive dissonance for simply offering a theory? We joke about those who claim Q is just a larp.


Absolutely fierce blowback arises when these topics are posted. Rather than calling it out as the work of a shill, why not offer convincing arguments to counter the ideas?The fact they are ridiculed and dismissed outright should cause us to challenge the ideas even more. Again, a real discussion was just starting and then the site was taken down.


A tweet of a flat line shadow on the moon during the eclipse by Neil deGrasse Tyson, I'm sorry, is not enough for me.


We are slaves and our leaders continue to perpetuate the bondage. If people realized we were being kept in chains...the matrix if you will...there would be open revolt overnight. If true, it would answer every question we have, and which Q has eluded to - if true, the ramifications are horrifying for civil society. Unrest and distrust in all established forms of authority would evaporate instantaneously.


Research Admiral Byrd - I won't walk you there. You need to discover on your own, but to me he's Smedley Butler incarnate. He spoke out (video related) and was shut down shortly thereafter. Nicola Tesla discovered 'free energy' and had his research labs burned to the ground and was financially destroyed - Edison, and his team of black-clad agents destroyed him to help sell his (less efficient and highly profitable) opposing forms of technology (AC vs. DC electrical currents).


Admiral Byrd suggested he had personally seen endless, unseen miles of undisturbed lands full of natural resources. Today all research in that region is cloaked in secrecy.


Research his life, his credentials were beyond reproach. I simply have a hard time thinking, decades ago, it was all an elaborate ruse against the Russians.

Anonymous ID: a7a2b3 March 3, 2018, 2:28 p.m. No.541725   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cheers anon. I cried out with the Balzac quote and glad to hear someone heard it. Sometimes I don't know if I'm working against myself. Hat/tip! And thanks for correcting the full name…was too tired to look it up. Lazyanon that I am.

Anonymous ID: a7a2b3 March 3, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.541781   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Forgot to add. Nice summary. By George I think you've got it! Now we just need another 5-10,000 to wake up and join in. Who knows, maybe we already have it but, as you know, it's hard to get a true read with all the counter plays and disinfo-campaigns…and useful idiots who give the assist.