Anonymous ID: 47c9dd Feb. 27, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.5418795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8844

10 Mind-Blowing Pentagon Audit Reports All Americans Need to Know

Anonymous ID: 47c9dd Feb. 27, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.5418844   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Global War Profiteers V The People of The United State


Shocking Quotes From High-Ranking Government Officials on Unaccounted For Military Spending

Anonymous ID: 47c9dd Feb. 27, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.5418887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9352



It becomes criminal when everything that concerns criticism of the “Jewish state” turns into anti-Semitism and is not stopped even by Jewish critics


It is interesting to see how German politicians feel called upon to demand sanctions against the legitimately elected Venezuelan President Maduro.The leading candidate of the European People’s Party for the European elections, Manfred Weber, announces in the Bild Zeitung: “The world community must not watch as the situation in Venezuela escalates more and more” and calls for a unified EU line, “which does not shy away from sanctions, as a signal the unity of the Europeans “. Similarly, the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the European Parliament, David Mc Allister, in the “central organ of democracy”, the “cancerous ulcer” of the German media landscape to speak with the statement: “The humanitarian situation in Venezuela is catastrophic and continues to worsen daily”.


On the side of the coup


The FDP foreign policy expert Count Lambsdorff wants to continue to watch as “Maduro starves his people”. Of course, the CDU General Secretary Paul-Zimiak does not want to stand aside and condemns that “Maduro shoot at people”. Of course, there could also be missing the green-outdoor expert Cem Özdemir, who also called for the EU pressure to move Maduro to give in; He urged the Left Party and its European allies to opt for the people and the dictatorship of ideology.


This shows us once again how implausible these politicians are, for these cowardly hypocrites are more than eloquent when it comes to the illegal occupation of Palestine and the daily Israeli human rights violations; All of them are loyal to the “Jewish Occupying State”, which unites all parties, from left to right-wing extremists.


It is frightening how quickly German policy has sided with the coup leader Guaidó, a US puppet that does not shrink from incitement to civil war and US intervention. But this does not trump Trump poodle-pack: the Germans are again squeezed on the side of injustice, despite the opinion of the Scientific Service of the Bundestag, which leaves little doubt that “the recognition of Juan Guaidó by the federal government in violation of international law.” , (1)



Anonymous ID: 47c9dd Feb. 27, 2019, 10:45 a.m. No.5418908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9175 >>9366 >>9406 >>9425

Lawmakers seek 'urgent briefing' on U.S. arms in hands of al Qaeda


A bipartisan group of lawmakers is demanding answers from the Trump administration about reports that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates may have transferred American-made weapons to al Qaeda-linked extremist groups in Yemen.


Led by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel, New York Democrat, the lawmakers called on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan to hold an “urgent briefing” on details of the suspected arms transfer, first reported by CNN.


“These unauthorized transfers of U.S. equipment and weapons by the Saudi and UAE governments represent a clear national security risk to the U.S. and our interests and a serious violation of existing bilateral agreements pursuant to the Arms Export Control Act,” the lawmakers wrote.


The investigation detailed efforts by Saudi Arabia and the UAE to make unauthorized transfers of U.S. weapons and equipment to extremist groups fighting in Yemen including the Abu Abbas Brigade which is connected to al Qaeda in the region, and Alwiyat al-Aamlga, also known as the “Giants Brigade,” in an effort to gain influence in the brutal Yemeni civil war.


CNN also reported that the Saudi military may have airdropped U.S.-made anti-tank missiles in the same area that al Qaeda was operating.


“The evident failure to protect sensitive U.S. military technology may enable our adversaries in Yemen and across the Middle East to advance and develop weapons capable of penetrating mine and IED-resistant vehicles as well as jam or otherwise counter U.S. communications technologies aboard such vehicles,” lawmakers warned in the letter.


Observers of the conflict in Yemen say it has produced massive civilian casualties, displaced 3 million Yemenis and sparked what aid groups call the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.


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Anonymous ID: 47c9dd Feb. 27, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.5418942   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK spy agency under pressure to open up over support for CIA torture programme


GCHQ's support of the CIA post-9/11 is becoming clearer, but MEE understands plans for a new inquiry are being resisted


The role the UK’s GCHQ surveillance agency played in supporting the CIA’s post-9/11 kidnap and torture programme is finally becoming clear, fuelling calls for a judge-led inquiry into British involvement in rendition operations.


For more than a decade, GCHQ, which collects intelligence by monitoring communications, has claimed that it had a clean pair of hands, repeatedly denying that it had assisted the CIA.


The agency’s claim that it had “never knowingly provided support to a US rendition operation” was fully accepted by the UK Parliament’s oversight body, the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC).


However, the committee has now unearthed a number of examples of GCHQ’s intelligence being used to locate and detain terrorism suspects who were subsequently rendered and tortured.


The committee has also found that the agency provided intelligence to assist the interrogation of terrorism suspects held at CIA black sites.


MPs and peers who are members of Parliament’s All Party Parliamentary Group on Extraordinary Rendition say the discoveries underline the need for an inquiry.


The government said last July that it would announce within 60 days whether it would convene a judge-led inquiry, but has not done so.


Ken Clarke, the former home secretary and justice secretary who chairs the group, says that the delay raises suspicions that more is being concealed.

Anonymous ID: 47c9dd Feb. 27, 2019, 10:48 a.m. No.5418959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9175 >>9353 >>9366 >>9406 >>9425

SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: How a Vatican portrait of child sex abuser Cardinal Pell links him to an ancient Catholic order frequented by British high society


It has suddenly become the most embarrassing painting in the Vatican. But the portrait of Cardinal Pell — unveiled in the Vatican just two and a half years ago — now threatens to engulf one of the oldest and grandest Catholic orders in controversy.


For I can disclose that the portrait of 77-year-old Pell, who has just been convicted of historic sex offences, was commissioned following a fundraising event in London held by the Knights of Malta, the Roman Catholic order founded more than 1,000 years ago to care for the poor and the sick.


The order’s senior officers have included some of the most eminent figures in society, including Field Marshal Lord Guthrie and the late Hugh van Cutsem, one of the Prince of Wales’s close friends.


Prince Rupert zu Loewenstein, who for decades managed the finances of The Rolling Stones, was the Order’s Chancellor.


Andrew Gow, who painted Pell, explains that the identity of the person, or persons, who commissioned the portrait is a confidential matter. But he confirms that the commission arose following a Knights of Malta annual London fundraiser.


‘I partly donated an unrelated portrait,’ Gow tells me, ‘and the people who bought the portrait then asked me to do something much more elaborate.


I was in Italy painting with some other clients at the time, so I wasn’t at the fundraiser,’ adds Gow, who has painted several royals and aristocrats.


The portrait was completed while Pell, a former adviser to Pope Francis, was installed in ‘large and grand offices, two corridors from the Sistine Chapel’, and was unveiled there in 2016 to commemorate his inauguration as one of the Vatican’s most senior figures, Prefect of Secretariat for the Economy.


Gow, who has been ‘absolutely shocked’ to learn of Pell’s past, explains that his portrait indelibly connects its subject to the Knights of Malta. ‘He’s a Bailiff Grand Cross of the Knights of Malta, that’s the decoration around his neck.’

Anonymous ID: 47c9dd Feb. 27, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.5418973   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel detains Palestinian Governor of Jerusalem


February 27, 2019 at 10:00 am



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Israeli forces detained the Palestinian Governor of Jerusalem, Adnan Ghaith, this morning, after raiding his home in the Silwan neighbourhood, in occupied East Jerusalem.


Lawyer Muhammad Mahmoud told Ma’an that Israeli intelligence and special forces raided Ghaith’s home and transferred him to the Russian compound police centre.


Israeli forces had previously detained Ghaith several times, the last of which was last November. However, Israeli forces had also raided and searched Ghaith’s home in December.


They later banned him from entering the West Bank for six months and from travelling outside Palestine.

Anonymous ID: 47c9dd Feb. 27, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.5418990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9051 >>9137

California Keeps a Secret List of Criminal Cops But Says You Can't Have It



Their crimes ranged from shoplifting to embezzlement to murder. Some of them molested kids and downloaded child pornography. Others beat their wives, girlfriends or children.


The one thing they had in common: a badge.


Thousands of California law enforcement officers have been convicted of a crime in the past decade, according to records released by a public agency that sets standards for officers in the Golden State.


The revelations are alarming, but the state’s top cop says Californians don’t have a right to see them. In fact, Attorney General Xavier Becerra warned two Berkeley-based reporters that simply possessing this never-before-publicly released list of convicted cops is a violation of the law.


The California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training — known as POST — provided the information last month in response to routine public records requests from reporters for the Investigative Reporting Program at UC Berkeley and its production arm, Investigative Studios.

Anonymous ID: 47c9dd Feb. 27, 2019, 10:52 a.m. No.5419033   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Interference in British Politics: Targeted against Corbyn


Pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian issues continue to play a major role in U.K. politics. On the same day that Israeli lobby groups launched an orchestrated attack against U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, accusing her of anti-Semitism for something she Tweeted, a similar attack was orchestrated in the U.K. Against Sarah Leah Whitson, who heads the Middle East Section of Human Rights Watch. That attack was also over a Tweet. Whitson Tweeted, “Why is Israel interference in domestic U.K. politics acceptable? Is it only a problem when Russia does this?” She was referring to an Al Jazeera investigation that showed evidence of how Israeli intelligence officers attempted to delegitimize and undermine British politicians on the left, especially in the Labour Party.


Then, in a new development earlier this week, eight Labour Party members of Parliament announced that they are leaving the Labour Party, accusing party leader Jeremy Corbyn of bad leadership on two issues, Brexit and anti-Semitism. The Labour Party’s shadow-chancellor, John McDonnell, said the dissidents are making a mistake, but should now call for new elections in their districts.


GREG WILPERT: But what would you say are they more in general are trying to achieve with this campaign of charging the Labour Party with anti-Semitism?


ASA WINSTANLEY: Well, in a nutshell, the campaign of so-called Labour anti-Semitism, the so-called “crisis” of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is a campaign by racists to smear anti-racists as racist. So it’s a complete inversion of reality. That’s not to say there’s no such thing as anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, the Labour Party is a mass movement of more than half a million people according to the last membership figures. So statistically, there’s bound to be a few. But in the main, all the main headlines about so-called anti-Semitism in the Labour Party have been at best an exaggeration and in many cases, outright fabrications.


So this is a narrative that pro-Israel groups in the U.K. have been pushing very strongly for the last three and a half years in order to sabotage the Labour Party and its left-wing leader, Jeremy Corbyn, who has for many decades been a Palestine solidarity activist. And it fits in with decades of the Israel lobby’s deliberate strategy to accuse anyone who is involved in Palestine solidarity of being an anti-Semite.


Click image for full interview

Anonymous ID: 47c9dd Feb. 27, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.5419105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9138 >>9153 >>9175 >>9241 >>9366 >>9406 >>9425

Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains “Deboosting,” “Troll Report,” & Political Targeting in Video Interview


Insider, Formerly Responsible for Content Review in Facebook’s Intellectual Property Dept Speaks Out, Loses Job

Facebook Engineers Plan to “demote bad content”

Conservative Facebook Page Livestreams Secretly “deboosted,” No Notice to Page Owners

Facebook Can Classify Users as Trolls Based on Their Vocabulary, Then Punish By Limiting Bandwidth, Blocking Comments…

Facebook Engineer: “‘hateful’ content is coming from right-leaning sites.”

“Special features” Triggered “leading up to important elections”

Bizarre View of “hate speech” Includes Content from Conservative Commentator

Anonymous ID: 47c9dd Feb. 27, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.5419192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9366 >>9406 >>9425

Vanguard Healthcare Agrees to Resolve Federal and State False Claims Act Liability

Anonymous ID: 47c9dd Feb. 27, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.5419256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Explosive device from Gaza damages Israeli home near border


13min ago

Explosive device from Gaza damages Israeli home near border


An explosive device, apparently carried by a balloon from the Gaza Strip, caused damage to a home in the Eshkol region of southern Israel, but no injuries, the local government says.


The military is on the scene and investigating the incident.


The exact location of the damaged home is not being released as it could assist terrorist groups in the Strip to better direct their airborne attacks.==


Damaged a house should justify bombing some children going off (((their))) usual logic!!