Anonymous ID: 7ec8f3 Feb. 27, 2019, 10:53 a.m. No.5419045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9092 >>9099 >>9103 >>9116 >>9149 >>9201 >>9372



There were so many "white" slobs living in the US who blame everyone else for their meaningless lives, especially people of colour, that when a black man was legitimately elected president they lost their minds and gave the country over to a con man and a hostile foreign power in order to set up a totalitarian state so it would not happen again.


The GOP played along because they wanted the power and they thought they could control the con man just like in Nazi Germany they let Hitler in because they thought they could control him. However they were wrong just like Nazi Germany was wrong. And by the time they realize they were not in control it was too late they were being blackmailed and were in such a deep shit they were willing to do just about anything to keep from being caught.


None of the poor white slobs realized that they were also giving away their own freedoms. They were kept distracted with crazy false conspiracy theories about how the con man was really sacrificing everything to battle "evil" like some super hero, and most were so misled that even so called "religious leaders", who were willing to do anything to get their one agenda "abortion" outlawed, decided they could use this to get it done because the conman would rubber stamp anything if you flattered him enough so they played at worshiping him until not only their flocks believed it they believed it…they announced he was God's anointed one and they followed him into destruction just like the bible warned everyone about. But the crazy conspiracy theorist looked at that and thought it legitimized their beliefs and kept getting nuttier not realizing that they were blind men following Blind Men.


They wouldnt realize it until years later, by then it was too late and all those people regretted what they had done and their children and grandchildren hated them for giving up a once decent place because they were a bunch of racists. They destroyed their own country their own rule of law and their own Constitution. Twenty years afterward many couldn't even really remember why, and many did remember, and suffered with regret until their dying day.



Anonymous ID: 7ec8f3 Feb. 27, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.5419171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9215 >>9315


God how stupid. Do you really think people believe that?

Here. You people like memes…enjoy.

For a "master race" you sure are little whiney bitches with victim complexes. If you are so superior, you should be able to use your brain and make things better, instead of just saying "oh poor me we need to get rid of all the black people otherwise I can't be happy and I can't feel safe poor poor me. Im such a whiney little bitch".

Good thing for you the US doesn't have a draft you guys wouldn't make it a week in any kind of battle. Bunch of loser babies.

Anonymous ID: 7ec8f3 Feb. 27, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.5419261   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This shit show is nothing more then one group of corrupt people trying to get over on another group of corrupt people. Nobody is good. Nobody is right. Everybody is wrong.