Anonymous ID: bff458 Feb. 27, 2019, 10:34 a.m. No.5418736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8771

Part 1/3


To all Anons. I was red-pilled around a dozen years ago by a combination of "school of hard knocks" life experiences and the "academic" teaching of the extraordinary Chateau Heartiste ( That site led me over time to the apolitical but highly educational The Rational Male ( and to Krauser PUA ( - who is much more than a PUA.


These sites were/are 90% about male-female relations in the modern, Western world and what it means to be a man in this day. After a lifetime of sanitized fake news these three guys served up one truth bomb after another and my umbilical attachment to MSM was finally severed. Their intelligence and insight into our basic human identities lead to broader commentary that connect the dots between our natural gender identity and the forces in our society that seek to manipulate and control us. It was Krauser who, a year ago, introduced me to Anonymous Conservative ( I cannot recommend another blog for Anons more highly than his. The insight he provides reveals layers and shading of the carnivorous Cabal machine more clearly than any other resource I know. His site is the best complement to this board and I read it daily, along with our Notables, to help make sense of the invaluable but overwhelming information I get here. Anon, you owe it to yourself to read his site regularly.

Anonymous ID: bff458 Feb. 27, 2019, 10:36 a.m. No.5418771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8796


Part 2/3


It was a year ago that I stumbled down the rabbit hole from Krauser and Anonymous Conservative to our QResearch board. I had never used any Chan-type board prior to then and I sure stepped-off into the deep end. Confused by the board structure, the in-group language, the countless, sliding shills. The sheer enormity of Q's message was mind-blowing. Much of what I learned nauseated me. However, I couldn’t ignore the truth and the learning. I began to feel the cognitive dissonance rewiring my brain structure, opening up pathways in my brain and connecting it more closely to my visual and spatial awareness of the world around me.


The term "awakening" and its meaning of entering consciousness perfectly describes the higher level of perspective and understanding I now experience out in the world. Walking through a crowded shopping center or watching the sidewalk traffic from inside a coffee shop, I feel empathy for the Normies going about their controlled lives. I am watching the movie Q has described but I’m conscious and critical – no longer the viewer who has suspended his disbelief in order to play his role with the minimum of discomfort.


In my case, my earlier red-pilling prepared me for the giant leap to Q’s teaching. In fact Q is opening the gates to the real world. The Anons here, especially the great and proud Autists, are building a research and educational hive-mind institution of world-changing influence. Indeed, Harvard, Yale and Oxford will soon be fully exposed as the deeply compromised propaganda tools they have become. However, all of us here know that nothing about our crazy, beautiful board is welcoming or accessible to the Normies in our lives whom we love and wish to protect.

Anonymous ID: bff458 Feb. 27, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.5418796   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part 3/3


GEOTUS and his staff, the White Hats in Congress and the judiciary, our military and our truly courageous Operators in the field are risking and sacrificing their all. This board is for the People and we are the vanguard, accepting our responsibility to serve our country. Our deadly research - tasked to us by Q in this real war - arms the killer memes we launch across all media. Those memes are having an enormous, explosive impact and our society is awakening.


Just as the red pill is a brutal, necessary precursor to the truth we seek it is time for each of us to accept his self-chosen responsibility to lead by example. We each need to come out from the shadows to the light and to show the Normies in our lives our personal courage. That means coming out to your friends and social network on Facebook and Instragram. Share our memes and knowledge. Share every twat sent by our GEOTUS. Get a bright red, incendiary MAGA hat, grow a pair and wear the fucker proudly. Together we will tip the scales and soon the bastards who have ruined our heritage will be on the run. We will have our justice. It is natural law and our natural right.


Remember, brothers, WWG1WGA.