NAMEFAGGING, STOP ID: f7c2c0 Feb. 27, 2019, 11:16 a.m. No.5419349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9444

QNX 1070 News Radio -- Traffic on the 7s, 4s, 12s, 13s and 14s!Hello listeners, I'm Larry van Will of the People. Hail Harris, the military contractor! Sponsored by: Radio Free Penis Pump. What's qanon?Crumb-diddly-umpcious!Updates today include the fight over the weird curse of Notch. Furfaglians today raided the Bugnet of That One Weird Landscape in order to erradicate the flag of the Yid.Stormworm militants arrived quickly, allegedly, and swept up the net of furfaglians to maintain defense of their precious gems. Well, the ones the Villagers took, anyway.More on this story as it develops. QNX news time: what's a book code?