In 1991 Bill Maher who was then the controlling partner of "Kid Love Productions" starred in a movie called "Pizza Man" in which his enemy and the "villain" was Donald Trump (played by Simon Richards).
In 1991 Bill Maher who was then the controlling partner of "Kid Love Productions" starred in a movie called "Pizza Man" in which his enemy and the "villain" was Donald Trump (played by Simon Richards).
Something happened in 1990/1991 that caused them to really become afraid of the Don as they really began to try to fuck with him through Hollywood including the fucking weird Pizza Man movie and also another movie called "Trump: What's the Deal? (1991)".
You know… this makes me wonder because he had in the past eluded to running for POTUS long before. Was he going to run in 1992 which would have fucked Clinton over big time? It appears something was going on and given all we know I would bet that the big man was about to run and he had Bubba shitting bricks because the Don would have won the primary back then (especially in NY).
Yeah the more that I look at it and the more I look into that year/time period I actually think it's true, he truly was about to run for POTUS and that would have completely lost the race for Clinton. DAMN! I wish he would have ran back then but, whatever, at least he is in now.
Man he is really asking for us to dig into his past big time. I don't think he and his bubble world truly know that we can find out everything/anything about anyone at anytime whether they think it is hidden or not. Fucking moron… but…. if he wants to play games, so be it.
I think you're right anon but just as important I think he knew that Bubba and the Clinton's were about to cause seriously bad institutional changes across the board. The majority of issues we see today are all connected to that time period in the early to mid 90s and what they did to various facets of our society and the world. I think he knew it was coming, was planning to act and they began to attack him in that way.
Also, Maher was a nobody back then. I wonder if that "role" was what got him his talk show. Shit….
Thing is I usually do all my work quietly on here or the same on the chans through the years only posting when I have something but in this case I legitimately cannot stand that Oswalt and his ilk of gerbil stuffer's spend year after year fabricating total lies and bullshit to harm others and then all of a sudden the tables get turned on him and he cries foul while still trying to talk shit.
A grown adult man of 5'5 while weighing over 300 pounds and being involved in numerous suspicious issues including the death of his wife in which he financially benefited while taking over her work and pushing it through social media as if he wrote it himself along with his frequent trips to very specific motels, his connection to Hamilton (oh yes "Patton", oh yes, I know what Hamilton truly is) and his brothers "hobby" revolving around gas stations and motels should probably cause a big mouth like him to know his place and keep his stuttering mouth shut to focus on what grown adult men should which are facts and respect. However, if he wants to play the "who knows what" game, fair enough, he picked the wrong opposition as /pol/ has exposed far more impressive specimens than his treasure troll looking ass.
/rant over/