Dear Mr. President,
I’ve heard you lurk here. If this is the case I want to pass a message to you. i want start off by saying you are doing an EXCELLENT job. You have brought a booming Economy and Peace. If there is one area, with all due respect Sir, if I may so humbly critique you on, is Justice.
When I see people, such as James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Michael Cohen, and Peter Strzok talk openly in public about their crimes to destroy the United States of America it makes me feel as the United States is a lawless land.
Mr. President, in all honestly, I did not vote for you nor do I live in the USA. But I am a patriot. Justice for all must apply if we are to obtain the ideals of forefathers.
Thank you so much for all you have done already. But please, Mr. President, prosecute the SOBs.
God Bless.
Signed, an American.