Friendly reminder that Q is a LARP, used to subdue the White Nationalist movement into obediently following Trump and his army of Zionist Kikes
You couldn't glow more if you tried, kike.
Q is a LARP and has never made good on any promises he made.
>unironically calls democrats demonrats
>tries to insult me by calling me a pedophile
you couldn't be further form the truth, republican't
Well, I could show and tell you, but then you have to proof to ME that you really been far even as decided to use even go want to. Can you proof that to me?
I appreciate a Patriot, anon, I really do.. but sadly the goodwill and trust has often been abused by jews, as is happening now under Trump, who's under control by Zionist Kikes
I'm gladly proven wrong on this; the world is better off without Jews.
e-bot, i thought we understood eachother.