Anonymous ID: 1a4f34 Feb. 27, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.5420532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0563 >>0564 >>0574 >>0620 >>0635 >>0663 >>0674 >>0748



Which does Michael Cohen fear more:


  1. getting physically attacked in prison;


2.. getting tapes in prison?


It must really suck to go to prison.


I have no sympathy for anyone sentenced to go to prison, but I think it sucks that inmates get beaten, raped, and killed ehile purportedly being surrounded by prison. "guards."



I'm as pro POTUS and pro-Q as one can get, but I've never bern arrested, so maybe my views on the criminal justice system are naive.


I'm also pro2A and would not hesitate to defend myself, my family, or others facing a threat of great bodily injury or imminent death.


I just think it stinks that a prisoner has to be subjected to such terrifying things.

Anonymous ID: 1a4f34 Feb. 27, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.5420663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0670


Sorry for the typos, Anons. Freaking phone!

I meant to say "raped " not "taped."


But speaking of tapes, how fucked up was it that Cohen so willingly taped. Clients and is willing to turn those tapes over to the pedovores in Congress?


Everyone who ever was his client must seek a temporary restraining order, a preliminary injunction, and a permanent injunction to prevent Cohen from releasing any tapes.


If that sniveling, little, ,lying rat bastard won't honor the sacred attorney client privilege, then the judiciary must.

Anonymous ID: 1a4f34 Feb. 27, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.5420824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0918


Thanks for getting me, Anon.

I'm as bloodthirsty for justice as the next guy and, like I said, I wouldn't hesitate to exercise our precious right to defend ourselves and others when facing an imminent threat of great bodily injury, rape, or death.


But dammit, I love the rule of law. The punishments on the books are harsh enough.


Inmates shouldn't have to worry about getting tapes.


My best friend from childhood killed himself after being witness to an unpreventable prison murder of a famous inmate. Poor bastard was a prison guard who could not prevent the murder.


So I hate that there's second layer of "justice" going on behind bars.


It's partly what keeps me on the right side of the law, cuz it's scary in there….