Anonymous ID: b60cb0 Feb. 27, 2019, 12:32 p.m. No.5420456   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Mark Meadows Refers Michael Cohen For Criminal Investigation For Violating Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)


Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) referred Michael Cohen for criminal investigation during Wednesday’s explosive Congressional hearing.


Michael Cohen, a convicted liar who was just disbarred, testified in a public Congressional hearing to the Oversight Committee on Wednesday.


Mr. Cohen continued to lie under oath on Wednesday. He has nothing to lose — he is already going to prison for 36 months for lying to Congressional investigators.


Rep. Meadows ripped into Cohen and accused him of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act.


Meadows accused Michael Cohen of “illegal lobbying activity” and not properly disclosing contracts with foreign companies during a heated exchange on Wednesday.


Michael Cohen defended himself by saying his contacts were only with privately owned companies, not government entities.

Anonymous ID: b60cb0 Feb. 27, 2019, 12:34 p.m. No.5420475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0888 >>0933

When Everyone Else Was Liquidating Stocks, The World's Biggest Wealth Fund Was Buying It All


When most hedge funds were facing a surge in redemption requests at the end of 2018, creating a feedback loop of lower prices, liquidation selling, and even more redemption requests, which culminated with the S&P briefly sliding into a bear market on Dec 24, one fund was quietly buying.


At the end of 2018, when stocks suffered one of the biggest drops in years, Norway’s $1 trillion sovereign wealth fund - the world's biggest - was methodically buying what others were forcibly selling. Despite suffering a 6.1% drop in 2018, its first loss since 2011, the fund did what it does best, and bought some $22 billion in stocks, a "significant" buying spree which continued at the start of this year "to take advantage of a market rout" as it builds its global holdings.


"2018 was a year of contrasting growth expectations and apprehensions about effects of increased trade barriers,” said Yngve Slyngstad, the fund’s CEO. “Concern about economic growth mounted in the fourth quarter, inciting a further decline in equity prices, including in the U.S."


The Oslo-based fund, which is the world's single biggest investor holding a whopping 1.4% of all global stocks, remains largely at the mercy of markets when stocks tumble, and as such during sharp corrections it has few choice but to keep buying, although it has some leeway to stray from the indexes it follows. The fund has traditionally loaded up on stocks during selloffs. Not only that, but the fund is now also in the process of raising the share of stocks in its portfolio to 70% froim 66.3% at the end of 2018, to improve returns after struggling through years of rock-bottom rates.


As a result, the fund bought a “significant” amount of equities in January, Slyngstad said a press conference in Oslo, bringing the fund close to its 70% target. This means that, as Bloomberg calculates, the recent stock buying raid added roughly 3% to its equity portfolio.


In terms of specific purchases, the fund’s biggest equity investments in 2018 were the big three: Microsoft, Apple and Alphabet, while its largest bond holdings were U.S., Japanese and German government bonds. Judging by the continued appreciation in both stocks and bonds in 2019, the fund likely continued this trend.


Helping the buying spree with some fresh "dry powder", the Norwegian government deposited 34 billion kroner into the fund last year, after tumbling oil prices forced its first-ever withdrawals in 2016 and 2017.


Some more fund specifics: at the end of 2018, the world's largest sov wealth fund was invested in 73 countries and 50 currencies. Its exposure to Europe was 34.1%, down from 36.0% a year earlier, while its North American investment rose to 43.0% from 41.0%, while Asia and Oceania fell to 19.3% from 19.6%. Emerging markets accounted for 10.3%, up from 10.1%. It also had a total of 813 billion kroner invested in emerging markets, down from 876 billion a year earlier. Frontier market investments in equities were 21.8 billion kroner, up from 20.7 billion kroner at the end of 2017.


What is perhaps most remarkable about the fund is that its patient "buy and hold" strategy has generated impressive returns, and since 1998 the fund has generated an annual return of 5.5%, or 3.7 trillion kroner. As of December 2018, the fund had a total market value of $8.3 trillion kroner, or just under $1 trillion.

Anonymous ID: b60cb0 Feb. 27, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.5420491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0544 >>0888 >>0933

Israeli AG Preparing to Indict Netanyahu On Bribery Charge This Week – Reports


The Israeli prime minister reportedly shortened his visit to Russia and will return to Israel tonight because of the reports of an indictment, per the Times of Israel.


The bribery scandal that's surrounded Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may finally reach a head, as Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit is poised to recommend bribery charges, according to Israeli media reports.


Citing Israel's Army Radio, the Times of Israel reported Wednesday that the attorney general is getting ready to file charges on Case 4000, which alleges that Netanyahu took regulatory steps to help Shaul Elovitch in exchange for the telecommunication mogul's news site, Walla, covering Netanyahu in a more favorable light.


Another scandal that's surrounded the prime minister is known as Case 1000, per Times of Israel; it's reportedly a more typical bribery case in which Netanyahu is alleged to have helped out billionaires politically as part of illicit quid pro quo deals for gifts worth about $282,000. In both of these investigations, Mandelblit is expected to urge the filing of an indictment of the prime minister.


However, it is unclear whether the attorney general will recommend any legal action with regard to Case 2000, which allegedly involved Netanyahu colluding with news site Yedioth Ahronoth to cripple a competing news publication, Israel Hayom, in order to extract more positive coverage from Yedioth. Haaretz has reported that US casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson poured at least $50 million into Israel Hayom, but that the company's financial documents are a "closely guarded secret."


An indictment has been anticipated since Mandelblit announced last December that he was going to be "working quickly" as he decided whether or not to bring charges against Netanyahu, according to a report by the Jerusalem Post.


Still, the attorney general has said that the pending cases against Netanyahu "would not be influenced by anything other than the evidence and the law."

Anonymous ID: b60cb0 Feb. 27, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.5420593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0602 >>0604 >>0605 >>0639 >>0655 >>0682 >>0741

Is The QAnon Movement Fizzling?


The QAnon phenomenon had the internet abuzz in 2018, appealing to those like myself, people who can’t help but to question the official narrative of almost everything. The mysterious figure Q first appeared around October 2017 and managed to attract a large amount of die-hard followers very quickly, including myself.


But will this movement continue to grow or has it hit it’s peak already? Like the Tea Party before it, critics and past promoters of the movement say there are signs that it is beginning to fizzle, with the Q clearance crew’s posts becoming fewer and less mystifying. Posts have been proven to be disinformation, but later claimed to be tests to keep followers on their toes.


So has the general tone of Q changed? Maybe slightly, but the general message remains. If you trust the plan the ‘Deeps State’ will be dismantled. I certainly am a fan of this idea. Unfortunately, I can’t help but question the narrative. From my point of view, Q could be an elaborate Psyops. Or it could be a ‘white hat’ Military Intelligence operation. I haven’t been convinced either way. I want to believe but must continue to ask myself who benefits? So, let us take a closer look.


Increasingly, independent researchers have been pushing the notion that QAnon is just a game/puzzle to keep people distracted, entertained and engaged in digging for clues, then solving mysteries of no importance. As Whitney Webb of Mintpress News wrote, “trust the plan” was just the sequel to “hope and change” to get us on a Trump train to Willabee. It’s kind of hard to “drain the swamp” when you are surrounded by swamp-sludge like Bolton and Pompeo?


Without the QAnon movement many Americans would have never opened their eyes to the corruption in Washington D.C. The question becomes is that information distorted by design, in order to push a specific agenda. Much of the information that has been ‘dropped’ seemed like a revelation at first, but to those who have read Jim Marrs or Fritz Springmier the information seems to be recycled. That being said, a little review can’t hurt, and the growth of the truth movement is important, we need new individuals with open minds who are willing to open their hearts. We must help them with the difficult task of opening up to the light of truth.


So, after a little more than a year with Q in our lives, do we have enough clues to deduce who might really be behind the keyboard?

Anonymous ID: b60cb0 Feb. 27, 2019, 12:53 p.m. No.5420758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0773 >>0779 >>0822 >>0888 >>0933

Feds Aim to End Vax Exemptions


Some federal officials think vaccine exemptions are used too widely and want Congress to eliminate your right to choose! Action Alert!


In response to several measles outbreaks that have been reported across the US by the CDC, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee is planning to meet on March 5 to discuss vaccine-preventable diseases and efforts to boost vaccination rates and fight vaccine hesitancy. A House subcommittee is holding a similar hearing next week. Ahead of these hearings, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has warned states offering vaccine exemptions that the federal government may intervene. This attack on exemptions is unprecedented. We must ensure that Congressional members are properly educated about the numerous safety issues that have been demonstrated. We must also respond in force to protect vaccine exemptions from federal interference.


We should say at the outset that to want safer vaccines is not “anti-vax.” Reasonable people can ask reasonable questions about vaccination—indeed, we must ask these questions given the risks that are involved. For example, why must vaccines contain dangerous neurotoxins such as aluminum, formaldehyde, and even mercury? When the government pays out billions of dollars over the years to families damaged by vaccines (see more on this below), we have a right to call for safer vaccines. Such sentiments are not “anti-vax,” but rather pro-safer vaccination.


Commissioner Gottlieb made a number of alarming remarks about exemptions. He said that states might “force the hand of the federal health agencies” if they continue to allow vaccine exemptions amid disease outbreaks, and that he was “deeply skeptical” of exemptions that are not for medical reasons. Gottlieb speculated that the federal government “could mandate certain rules about what is and isn’t permissible when it comes to allowing people to have exemptions.”


It is deeply concerning that the head of the FDA appears so willing to trample the rights of individuals and to supersede state authority. Under the Constitution, the US government has the authority to use police power to prevent those with serious communicable diseases from entering the US or transmitting disease across state borders. Established legal precedents dating back to the early 20th century, however, leave vaccine and school admission policies up to the states, so if the federal government tried to interfere there would be strong grounds for a Constitutional challenge. The danger is that the federal government could, perhaps, indirectly influence states to abandon non-medical exemptions through revoking funding for projects or other such means. If we care about states’ rights and individual rights, we must vehemently oppose Gottlieb’s insinuations.


The assumption, of course, is that unvaccinated children contract a disease and spread it to other children who may or may not have been vaccinated. As we’ve pointed out in past instances of measles outbreaks, this is simply false. Experts found in 2015 that one in ten measles-vaccinated individuals were at risk of measles because of the waning effectiveness of the measles vaccine. Because of this health authorities are now suggesting booster shots for measles.