NAMEFAGGING, STOP ID: dfa444 QNX 1057 Feb. 27, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.5420740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

QNX 1040 at this hour, 10, older? Don't know. Try 11? or 5. Not sure. This is CBS.Looks like the Furfaglians have fucked it up again. Did a Jheryn writethese tickets? Links to follow from this update. Notable purple retard Amethyst Basilisk, famous for "oh horny sonic" alongside strange mysterious cohort Maybelle Redmond, who's beenalleged to have been at the center of the "red panda problem."Unfortunately the Ace of Bases, the BaseAce Ace base, has opted togo through the New Jersey turnpike and pick up some White Castle.Using their ultra retard trick of "oh mirrors," the furfaglian guerilla forcehas been extinguished."These fuzzy faggots don't know what they're up against," some fuckingidiot who drew the swastika backwards said at the scene whilepounding down a plain cheeseburger. "The Jew flag belongs to us. Forfuck sake. Emeralds! Greedy fucking traders! A fucking trader whodoesn't fucking barter! This flag belongs to US! And we're not going tolet some fucking stupid furry carefags ruin shit for us again. We'resick and tired of the furries getting in the middle of all this shit."Wondering what the fuck this retard was even on about, the reporterpoked the bear. "Look, retard. They're the Jews of the Internet. Theycontrol the fucking pipelines. Wow, not Germany at all, right? None ofyou fucking libtards know your fucking history. This is fuckingimportant. The Jew flag stays."Wanting to fan the flames of the fires, this stupid moron writing thesedumbdumb words decided to go to the dragons cave. "What?" she washeard saying. There was a long pause. I asked again. "I mean, whatdid you ask though?" She... wait. "Well I'll help you write it. It was agood interview!"It looks like this dumb retard right here up in Layleaux what the fuck is that well it's where you are. Okay. Weird. Fucking up my formatting but whatever.It looks like this dumb retard right here up in.............. FINE.It looks like this dumb retard right here up in Layleaux (christ) has un...Has unfortunately dropped the bong, leaving the bong to shatter intotiny pieces all across the floor. Bouncing back to the Ace of Bases,they were heard to scream "YOU STUPID FUCKING RETARD DRAGONCAN YOU PLEASE NOT FOR FUCK SAKE." Giggles and weedsmokewere understood to follow from the scene.This is Larry The Jumping Band Larry The Killing Larry, signing out.