Q Isn't real.
Trump is shit #1.
Everyone who sides with trump is either excessively greedy and brainwashed (including his kids) being blackmailed, or have something to gain or lose because of him.
Q Isn't real.
Trump is shit #1.
Everyone who sides with trump is either excessively greedy and brainwashed (including his kids) being blackmailed, or have something to gain or lose because of him.
When nothing here comes true, how many years will you waste before you admit It's not real and salvage whats left of your life?
You say that every time we troll you and you never are. When will you learn that us trolling you does not mean anything except we felt like trolling you. It has nothing to do with anything.
A lot of rubbish.
When will you learn everything is not a conpiracy? Sometimes things just happen. I am here to laugh amd troll you. It has nothing to do with anything.
If you wanted more evidence you could look into trump getting into trouble for discrimination with his apartments. But you dont want to learn that because it would go against your "Trump is a saint" Theory.
There are no proofs on here dumbass. There are but unsubstantiated speculation on top of more unsubstantiated speculation. Nothing here has ever spilled into the real world. It's never left the pages of the internet. It is all and unreality in your heads.
What's wrong too stupid to look it up yourself? Funny how you will come every corner of the internet for anything that you might think up hold your stupid conspiracy theory but you become completely helpless When someone tells you to look up something real.
You would be wrong. The fact that these people don't know anything about Trump's criminal history when it's all a matter of public record tells you everything you need to know
Hey bro it's a matter of public record you could start in New York and find a lot of stuff about him. But you're afraid to. Or you're too stupid to.
You don't know anything.
Trump is a crook. He has been a crook all his life. Just because you don't want it to be true doesn't mean it's not true.
You're fucking kidding me right? Ive posted this shit all over the Internet you guys refused to look. LOLOLOL. You are all that afraid to even look. And even those few that do, still say its wrong or that its fake. Come on assholes you know that.
Dumb fuck he doesn't do his own taxes. He has lawyers who will do anything for him like Cohen was.
Trump doesn't use email doesn't text but he posts classified information on 8chan to a bunch of idiot rednecks. Even more laughable.
It's not a mirror. It's a fantasy. An unreality.
What does that even mean I don't know what the discrimination means, oh my God something is about to break through my fantasy world and I can't let it happen. Boo hoo.