Anonymous ID: c00a68 Feb. 27, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.5421877   🗄️.is 🔗kun

> Claims Trump is racist (no evidence presented)

> Admitted to coordinating with Schiff, Cummings, and other Dems before testimony

> Using Lanny Davis as lawyer. Lanny Davis is lawyer of the Clintons. (Not a distant obscure link to Clintons, but very close long-term ally)

> Said Trump expressed prior knowledge of emails release. Totally ignores fact that Wikileaks teased release months before it actually occurred.

> He was previously convicted of lying to congress.

> Media is drooling over this, but in the end it's just a big nothing burger with a strategic timing before the anti-climactic Mueller investigation wrap-up.

> Even CNN admits that he lied during this testimony. (Specifically, he claimed he never had interest in a job in the White House.)