QNX1040567 ID: ac9199 QNX NEWS UPDATE Feb. 27, 2019, 2:53 p.m. No.5422778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2834

QNX Ching chong ching chang chung. Incredibly rude after the other night, however: Made in China. Firsties.Indeed, incredibly rude, I'm Larry Mattress Chunglefuck, sending a SLEDGEHAMMER out to the masses.What does that mean? I have no idea. This is Black Eye Radio.Earlier today there was some retard down over by Twitter yelling that he was in the area of one weird Jack flag.Asked what type of Herer he was fond of, Jack that Weird Bird was heard saying "would you shut the fuck upand just go away, I'm busy making money, you plebs." The plebs scattered as Jack began throwing nickelsall over the sidewalk."THERE IS A COMMUNIST GANGSTER COMPUTER GOD," the masked assailant yelled on the street corneras he brandished what appeared to be an empty forest green bong. "AND THE OTHERSIDE OF THE MOONIS UNSEEN BECAUSE THEY ARE HIDING IT FROM YOU! BEWARE THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOON!"Asked if he was referring to Led Zepplin's signature album, he screamed back "IT'S CORN RETARD!"Curious as to whether or not corn indeed grew on the otherside of the moon, we reached out to a scientistfor comment. However, the IRA was like "actually don't." We sent some retard over anyway and wouldn'tyou know it, a car bomb. That's not like the IRA at all!QNX 104054, this is the numbers.The Dong dicks turned out to be a 5 4 7 but the 15 isn't really that far away, not a lot of traffic. With thePAN in the POCKET of the people you gotr the thing you need! Weird chingles in the changles of theworld, they're OUR pizza lolis, and not yours. Libtardia will continue controlling the narrative forever. Whichis to say, the Furfaglian Guerilla Force-- also known as the FLF-- has issued this threat to the Baseaceempire:"We have a knotnet."Wondering what the fuck that meant, someone shattered some retards bong with the message of "LAYLOW MOTHER FUCKER."Damn. Animals, am I right?QNX 1040, sponsored by what's qanon.