There Are Just A Few Things That Even A Pathological Lying Attorney Can Not Hide…The Moment That You Know You Are So Fucked. And Will Do Anything To Keep Your Ass Out Of The East River As Another Cabal Suicide.
BS…genetics plays a huge role…healthy people get sick too, the child bearing age women regardless of living a healthy life style will come down with lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, scerloderma…etc.
Explain Lou Gerhig's Disease ALS…ignorance is bliss. George burns smoked and lived till 103 with his mind sharper than most millennials.
Why would we do that, just turn off social media and enjoy yourself!
North Korea more free than the USA in that regard. UNFUND The CDC & FDA…like MSM being the arm of the democrats, both the CDC & FDA are the arm of Big Pharma…they will use junk science, lie, fabrications to make a buck…regardless of your health. The high rate of lung cancers continued to climb after all the smoking bans…then they claimed it was due to non smoking lung cancers. Lies so that big pharma could peddle their brand of nicotine and make $$$ Billions. More Taxpayer money grabs by lawyers and org. like "Clearway MN".
Exactly…nothing like keeping things in perspective
Good one!