Anonymous ID: 4577f4 March 3, 2018, 6:18 p.m. No.543409   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump as Cyrus

King Cyrus takes down ancient Babylon

Many people are not aware that it was King Cyrus, under the auspices of King Darius, who actually captured the city of Babylon, put Belshazzar to death, and eventually placed Daniel in charge.


When Cyrus' troops arrived at the city of Babylon, they discovered that they could not penetrate its walls. The city was well fortified and was stocked with a couple years of provisions. The Euphrates River ran through the middle of the city, and under its walls. The rivers current was so powerful that Cyrus actually lost his favorite horse, when it tried to swim across the river. The people in Babylon felt extremely secure, even though they knew that the Median-Persian army was at the gates. At the heart of their city flowed the river Euphrates. The meaning of Euphrates is "fruitfulness."


Cyrus divided his troops into three groups. He stationed one group where the river entered Babylon, and a second group, where the river exited the city. He took the third group to the north of the city. Here they dug a canal that diverted the water from the Euphrates River. When the water level dropped to about thigh deep during the night, the troops from the North and the South took the city before the Babylonians were aware that they had been penetrated.


"The Writing Was on the Wall."


Is Pres. Donald J Trump, following the "Cyrus Pattern."

It is obvious that Donald Trump, entered his presidency with a well laid out plan. He could've never accomplished as much as he has , without it. Unlike previous "politicians," he has been accomplishing exactly what he promised. And he has been accomplishing it through "military" maneuvering. He has surrounded himself with five generals and two admirals. His primary security has not been the security service as previous presidents, but has been in the Marines. He has downgraded the State Department, while upgrading the military. I have read reports that there have been at least six significant attempts on his life. I recently read an article that Pres. Trump doesn't even read the prepared daily intelligence report. He has no trust in the FBI or CIA. He receives his daily briefing from his "generals." He gets his information from military intelligence, Gen. Rogers (NSA), and possibly the newly established intelligence Center in Saudi Arabia.


During a weekend, in mid-October of last year, it was reported that our US Army put the CIA/Langley under attack. Forces were staged in Langley's proximity and for over one half hour it was circled by Army helicopters. Some have reported that there were "boots on the ground," but that is questionable. Reportedly, Pres. Eisenhower, successfully used the same maneuver, when the CIA tried to prevent him from getting access and control over area 51. No matter, Trump' s Army was able to obtain much of the CIA's classified information. They then started taking down the CIA's hidden government. You Heard next, that for the first time, they were bombing multiple drug labs in Afghanistan. Shortly thereafter, you might have noticed a change of heart in North Korea, and increased activity against the mullahs in Iran. The CIA has been controlling both North Korea and Iran. You see, if there weren't major conflicts and terrorism in the world, you would have no need for the CIA and FBI. (By controlling both sides of a war, you control the people and their money. )

Pres. Trump's administration is a "military operation." Very much like another George Washington.


Drying up the "Euphrates," (Draining the Swamp), taking down Mistry Babylon.

Much of what Pres. Trump is doing, has been either hidden, or people simply fail to recognize what he is doing. They are like the Babylonians, partying and getting drunk, and probably laughing at Cyrus' troops on the other side of the wall/River.


In the evening of December 21, 2017, around the winter solstice (Cyrus = sun), Donald Trump signed an executive order called "Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption." Issued on: December 21, 2017




It was not brought to "sunlight," until the next day on Friday December 22, just prior to a long Christmas weekend. This Executive Order was overshadowed by the just passed law that reduces taxes. What people fail to recognize was that the president just declared a national emergency. By declaring a national emergency, this enables president to utilize the military, however he sees fit. He may also temporaraly suspend any laws or constitutional rights.