well the sun is obviously the closest star besides that AC is 4.3 light years away. That's 4.3 years of traveling at the speed of light. Considering there is nothing even close to traveling at that speed it's highly unlikely there is anything traveling many many years to come to this planet. Second of all there is the fermi paradox. So this makes alien and ET nuts absolutely mad because they are SURE there must be aliens and it's only logical that they must have spaceships that travel and that's how they get there because in our little picture view of reality you have to travel from one place to another. But what about the Fermi Paradox? Where is all the evidence?
Here's the truth of the matter. This is a digital reality, what I mean by that is it's based upon information. It's also probabilistic, meaning the future and things that are not being rendered only exist as probabilities in a database, much like how No Man's Sky is rendered. It's a VERY efficient way of keeping track of large information based realities. We have hard evidence of this being a digital probabilistic reality from Quantum Mechanics, namely the double slit experiment. We will see this gain traction in top physics houses in the coming decade, it already is to be honest…. We are ALL getting our own data streams. We each get our own subjective data stream. There is very little you can't do in a digital reality, and things don't have to be causal, in the way we think of them now at least. Want a crop circle? No problem, just change the data a little bit in the corn field, and viola! Crop cirlce. No spaceship necessary! Want someone to see a spaceship to open their perspective? No problem! Insert a spaceship into their data stream! Viola! No one needs to be driving it, no aliens, just a large UFO in your datastream without the materialistic causal links that we think MUST happen because well , we see a huge fucking UFO.
It's all just data. Aliens, UFOs, all that shit is just information in other people's data streams. Now that's not saying other entities don't exist outside of this reality, in fact this entire universe is merely a small petri dish. You can explore these other realities, you can explore the superset realities in which this reality is being hosted ( a simulation cannot by logic simulate itself, so it must be simulated in a "parent reality") You have access to all of these realities via your own consciousness. It takes practice, lots of practice, an open mind, a sincere focus to grow, and the shedding of your own beliefs and fear. Best of luck anon, the final frontier awaits, all the aliens and non physical entities you could ever want to meet are waiting for you to reach out via your own consciousness.