Anonymous ID: bd63d8 March 3, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.542828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3134

>>542694 (Last Bread)

With your theory of Comey being a whitehat? It has to be one of the most illogical and unsupportable theories I have seen proposed. By your theory, Comey was simply unaware of all of the illegal and unethical actions of the FBI during his tenure?

As big of a power hungry control freak that Comey is, he was not aware of the things going on under his leadership?

I think the statement by Gowdy was simply attesting to the fact that Obummer was complicit in the knowledge of the Shillary email server and Comey was too cowardly to prosecute Obummer and Lynch would not have supported it from the beginning. He was in a no win situation in this particular instance and was just attempting to cover his but.

If he were a whitehat, he would not have been dismissed without his knowledge on his way to a speech all the way accross the country. That action would not add anything positive to any covert action. He would have simply been dismissed while in Washington and avoided the embarrassment of the situation he found himself in. He was disrespected by the President in his dismissal as a public shaming by the President due to his dishonorable service.

Anonymous ID: bd63d8 March 3, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.543193   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He is making an audio tape of his book and it was simply a swipe at Trump.

Do you really think that Trump would publicly humiliate a patriot? It served no purpose but to embarrass Comey.

If he were a true patriot, he would have cleaned up his department long before Trump got there or he would have walked away from the corruption if he could not. He is corrupt as the remainder of the black hats and there is no way to spin that any other way. Before this is over with, he will find himself incarcerated with the remainder of the swamp. No deals!

You are welcome to make any conclusions you desire by twisting the facts to support your desired level of comfort. Just do not get personally vested in Comey's innocence as it is simply a figment of your imagination.