Question for any Scifags out there… So we're talking openly about geoengineering by using aircraft to spray aerosols into the stratosphere… but if we're so worried about climate change, why do it that way when we can set up a space sunshade at L1 to do the same thing, but without having to pollute the atmosphere with sulfur dioxide, alumina, or calcium carbonate?
If we're clever about our design, we might be able to set things up at L1 to bounce in more actual light that would normally miss us (for more efficient solar power and photosynthesis), while screening out the IR portion of the spectrum so we're not adding any more heat to the system. Or if we start having an ice age, we can take away the IR filters and warm things up intentionally to keep things comfortable.
After all, isn't it our duty as the only sentient species on the planet to be its stewards?